Installing Windows Subsystem for Linux and ServiceNow CLI

1 minute read

For years developers have longed for a Linux shell on Windows and today Microsoft has answered the call. WSL allows you to run Linux on Windows without running a resource intensive hypervisor! So for fun lets load it up and install the new ServiceNow CLI.

Installing WSL2 on Windows 10


Run the following Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) commands in PowerShell As Administrator

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart

Now reboot Windows.

Configure WSL to use version 2, run in PowerShell As Administrator

wsl --set-default-version 2

In the same PowerShell window, download the latest release of Ubuntu

curl.exe -L -o c:\temp\wslubuntu2004.appx
Add-AppxPackage c:\temp\wslubuntu2004.appx

At this point you have to go the Start menu, search for Ubuntu and open the new “App”. This will launch a shell window, ask you to set a username/pasword for your new ubuntu instance. That’s it, you now have true a Linux shell in Windows!

Installing Service Now CLI

Now that we have an Ubuntu environment we can install ServiceNow CLI

Head to the ServiceNow Store and look for ServiceNow CLI. You will download a “ServiceNow” file. Copy this to C:\Temp!/store/application/9085854adbb52810122156a8dc961910

In the Linux instance run the commands below.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install unzip
cp /mnt/c/Temp/ServiceNow\ .
unzip ServiceNow\
cd ServiceNow\ CLI/

The guided setup will coach you through the rest of the process. Once complete you need to configure a json file under ~/.snc/config.json

Finally, you can generate a new incident with this 1 liner

snc record create --table incident --data "{short_description: 'New Incident'}"

Confusion with Now CLI aka Vercel

There is also “Now CLI” which is node js instance for ServiceNow Development purposes. This has been deprecated in favour of “vercel”. I recommend Jace Bensons’s blog for an example use case.


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